Monday, May 13, 2024

My Birthday Post!

Reflecting on My Birthday

This year, my birthday overflowed with unforgettable moments. The most memorable part? Spending time with people who genuinely care about me and love me. I feel incredibly lucky!

The celebrations kicked off on Friday with a visit to the track alongside the Lowry crew, where we enjoyed some quality time together.

Saturday brought the excitement of the Indy Grand Prix, a tradition I eagerly anticipate each year. Attending the Indianapolis Motor Speedway for the Grand Prix with friends brings joy and camaraderie every year.

Sunday offered a peaceful day of gardening, followed by a delicious salmon dinner with our mothers.

A heartfelt gift from my mom stood out—she gave me a bracelet inscribed with, "Whenever you feel overwhelmed…remember whose daughter you are and straighten your crown." This message has provided strength and comfort. 

On my actual birthday, Monday, I drew a tarot card and meditated on its meaning, a spiritual practice that brought peace and clarity. I enjoyed a delightful lunch with a couple of close friends. Each day affirmed the wonderful people in my life.

Reflecting on the past year, I’ve learned significant lessons about myself. One crucial realization: the need for medication to manage my depression, which has played a pivotal role in my well-being.

Professionally, I have truly come into my own at work, feeling confident in the progress of my program. However, the year presented challenges; I’ve learned that marriage requires continuous effort and understanding. 

Preparing for the Year Ahead

Looking ahead, I have set three main goals for the coming year.

First, I aim to build and solidify my training events at work, ensuring they make a significant impact.

Second, I strive to create a happy and harmonious home for my family. My husband and I will also attend therapy, not because something feels wrong, but because we want to raise a good human and strengthen our relationship.

Third, I plan to start my master's degree, advancing my growth and development. 

To nurture my spiritual practice, I will immerse myself in tarot readings with Awen Ovate. I intend to continue creating content for my tarot decks, fostering both a literal and metaphorical fruitful garden.

Additionally, I look forward to frequent camping trips this summer, which promise adventure and relaxation. 

Birthday Tarot Reading

This birthday tarot reading using The Light Seer's Tarot by Chris-Anne offers deep insights into various aspects of my life. Here's an interpretation of each card in the spread:

Where am I now?
XX Judgement

I am in a phase of self-realization and spiritual awakening. This card encourages embracing my true self and showing up authentically in life. It's a call to shed any negative facades and be honest with my own heart. This journey involves forgiving myself and allowing my soul to shine unapologetically.

Where would I like to be by my next birthday?

10 of Cups

By my next birthday, I aspire to be in a state of harmony and love within my relationships. This card signifies a strong, positive energy around community and family. It suggests focusing on gratitude, generosity, and creating joy from within, rather than relying on external circumstances or others to make me happy.

What empowers me?

VI The Lovers

Deep, meaningful relationships empower me. This card highlights the importance of making choices that allow me to embrace love and intimacy. It calls for balance, healthy boundaries, and self-love, ensuring that I remain whole while deeply connecting with others.

What do I need to create to bring me closer to my goals?

5 of Wands

Embrace healthy competition and challenges as they can push me to excel. This card suggests using rivalry to my advantage, learning from others, and using dynamic energy to surpass self-imposed limitations. Collaboration and brainstorming can also help me evolve and progress toward my goals.

My current material state

10 of Swords

I may be experiencing a painful ending or a difficult truth in my material life. This card represents a crisis or a significant loss but also indicates an opportunity for deep healing and new beginnings. Embrace the lessons from these endings and remain open to the new possibilities that await.

My current emotional state

Ace of Cups

I am in a phase of new emotional beginnings and connections. This card signifies the genesis of relationships, love, and friendships. It encourages cultivating positive emotions, extending love to myself and others, and remaining open to new romantic and emotional experiences.

My current spiritual state

Queen of Wands

Spiritually, I radiate creativity, passion, and confidence. This card suggests boldly stepping into my purpose and embracing my vibrant energy. It calls for self-acceptance and a fearless expression of my true self, while also fostering connections and helping others.

What stands in opposition to my objectives?

XXI The World

While The World is generally a positive card, in this position, it suggests that there might be a need for closure or to follow through on unfinished tasks. Delays or unmet dreams could be standing in my way. Stay focused and complete my current projects to achieve the success and joy I desire.

What do I need to do to make my dreams come true?

Queen of Cups

To realize my dreams, I need to connect deeply with my emotions and intuition. This card emphasizes the importance of emotional intelligence, compassion, and empathy. I should be open and vulnerable, listen to my heart, and ensure that others feel heard and valued in our interactions. Balancing my emotions and leading with love will help me achieve my dreams.

Overall, this reading highlights a journey of self-acceptance, emotional growth, and the power of authentic connections. Embrace these insights to navigate your path towards your goals with love, confidence, and a deep understanding of yourself and others

Monday, March 4, 2024

Weekly Reading: Marching into March with Renewal


As we enter a new week, the energies of rebirth and renewal are palpable. Guided by the wisdom of the Tarot, we embark on a journey of self-discovery and transformation. Join us as we explore the insights provided by the Ritual Planner and Awen Ovate, illuminating the path ahead with clarity and purpose.

Exploring Rebirth and Renewal:

The Tarot cards speak volumes about the themes of rebirth and renewal, inviting us to embrace change and new beginnings. From the Fool emerging from the Temple-Tomb of New Grange to the sharp clarity of the Ace of Swords, each card offers profound insights into the cycles of life and the opportunities for growth that lie ahead.

Following the Call:

In the Tarot, the trumpet of Judgement beckons us to heed the call of our inner selves, guiding us towards new directions and transformative change. As we navigate the week ahead, we are reminded to listen to our intuition and follow the path that resonates most deeply with our souls.

Creating Legacies:

The Ten of Pentacles reminds us of the importance of creating legacies that endure beyond our lifetimes. Whether it be through our actions, our words, or our relationships, we have the power to leave a lasting impact on the world around us. This card encourages us to cultivate abundance and prosperity in all areas of our lives, knowing that our efforts will ripple outwards for generations to come.

Embracing Clarity:

With the Ace of Swords, we are invited to embrace the power of clarity and insight. This card signals a clean break from the past, allowing us to shed old patterns and beliefs that no longer serve us. As we embrace this newfound clarity, we open ourselves up to new opportunities and experiences that align with our highest good.


As we journey through the week ahead, let us embrace the energies of rebirth and renewal with open hearts and open minds. With the guidance of the Tarot, we can navigate the twists and turns of life with grace and confidence, knowing that each step we take brings us closer to our true purpose and potential.

Thursday, February 22, 2024

#aquarius Adventures: Comparative Analysis

Welcome back, dear Ovates, to another enlightening exploration with Awen Ovate! Today, we delve deep into the realm of Aquarius tarot, unraveling the rich tapestry of interpretations across various decks. Join us on this cosmic adventure as we navigate the Knight of Swords, King of Cups, Page of Swords, and the Ace of Swords, each depicted uniquely in iconic tarot collections.


Knight (Prince) of Swords:

In the Rider Waite Smith deck, the Knight charges forth with determination, while Salvador Dali's rendition invites us to embrace the power of imagination. Kris Waldherr’s Goddess Tarot portrays a fearless warrior tapping into inner strength, while the Lovers Path Tarot embodies passionate pursuit. Druidcraft Tarot urges us to balance intuition and intellect, while Thoth Tarot and Tabula Mundi delve into elemental symbolism and numerology.


King (Knight) of Cups:

Transitioning to the realm of emotions, we encounter the serene King of Cups. From Rider Waite Smith's mastery over emotion to Salvador Dali's surreal depiction, each deck offers a unique perspective. Goddess Tarot embodies compassion and intuition, while Lovers Path Tarot paints a picture of romantic sensitivity. Druidcraft Tarot emphasizes wisdom and compassion, echoing Thoth Tarot and Tabula Mundi’s mastery over the emotional realm.


Page (Princess) of Swords:

The Page of Swords embodies curiosity and exploration, depicted poignantly across decks. From Rider Waite Smith's poised intellect to Salvador Dali's vision of youthful wonder, each interpretation invites us to embrace new ideas fearlessly. Kris Waldherr’s Goddess Tarot embodies the essence of Athena, while Lovers Path Tarot symbolizes determination and focus. Druidcraft Tarot and Thoth Tarot explore intellect and insight, resonating with Tabula Mundi’s quest for knowledge.


Ace of Swords:

Finally, we uncover the Ace of Swords, symbolizing clarity and insight across decks. From Rider Waite Smith's laurel of victory to Salvador Dali's surreal imagery, each portrayal invites us to seek truth beyond the surface. Goddess Tarot and Lovers Path Tarot emphasize balance and clarity, while Druidcraft Tarot and Thoth Tarot delve into the power of intellect and reason. Tabula Mundi’s Lotus flower symbolizes truth and clarity emerging from consciousness.


Dive deeper into the cosmic wonders of Aquarius tarot with our enlightening video exploration [Link to YouTube Video]. May these cards illuminate your path of self-discovery and transformation!


Stay tuned for more celestial insights from Awen Ovate. Like, follow, and subscribe for a journey through the zodiac and beyond.


Blessed be,

Erin & the Awen Ovate Team

Friday, February 16, 2024

#FairyFriday: Will O' the Wisp, marsh #fairyfolk


In the heart of folklore lies a captivating enigma, a phenomenon that has intrigued and mystified humanity for centuries – the Will o' the Wisp. Join me on a journey as we unravel the secrets and stories surrounding this ethereal light.


The Will o' the Wisp, known by many names across cultures, emerges from the misty realms of ancient tales and legends. From England to Wales, Scotland to Ireland, and beyond, its flickering glow has sparked wonder and curiosity among those who dare to venture into the darkness.


Picture this: a lonely traveler, traversing through the misty marshlands, encounters a mysterious light dancing in the distance. Known by various monikers like Jack-o'-lantern, Friar's Lantern, or Hinky Punk, this spectral phenomenon is said to lead wanderers astray, luring them into treacherous terrain or guiding them to hidden treasures.

Global Influence:

But the Will o' the Wisp is not confined to one corner of the world. Its presence is felt across continents, from the boggy landscapes of Europe to the remote wilderness of the Americas. In each culture, it takes on a unique guise, weaving its magic into the fabric of local folklore.

Tarot Connection:

Interestingly, the imagery of the Will o' the Wisp resonates with the mystical symbolism of the tarot. In particular, its association with illusion, fallacy, and self-delusion mirrors the themes embodied by the Seven of Cups card. Just as the Will o' the Wisp leads travelers astray, the Seven of Cups warns against being deceived by false promises and wishful thinking.

A digital creation combining
Fairy Oracle Will O' the Wisp
with Druidcraft Tarot Seven of Cups

As we delve deeper into the lore of the Will o' the Wisp, we uncover a tapestry of tales that blur the line between reality and myth. Whether viewed as mischievous spirits, guardians of the land, or omens of impending doom, these elusive lights continue to fascinate and perplex us to this day.

May you have clarity and understanding when the path gets dark and you are easily lost.

Join me next time as we delve into another chapter of folklore and fantasy, where the realms of imagination await exploration. See you next Friday for our love talker!

Monday, February 12, 2024

Weekly Energy Reading: Six of Wands, Triumph & Recognition

Welcome, Ovates, to another week of spiritual guidance and insight. As we embark on this journey together, let us delve into the vibrant energy of the Six of Wands card and uncover the triumph and recognition it brings to our lives.

The Six of Wands arrives with a flourish, heralding victory, success, and acknowledgment. It serves as a beacon of hope, reminding us that our efforts have not gone unnoticed and that our achievements are worthy of celebration. This week, embrace the victorious energy of the Six of Wands and bask in the glow of your accomplishments.

As we explore the significance of this card in our weekly tarot reading, we are invited to reflect on the areas of our lives where we have experienced triumph. Whether it be in our careers, relationships, or personal growth journey, the Six of Wands encourages us to acknowledge and honor our successes.


In the realm of career and ambition, the Six of Wands signals a time of recognition and advancement. Your hard work and dedication are paying off, and you may find yourself receiving praise and accolades for your achievements. Embrace these moments of triumph with humility and gratitude, knowing that they are a testament to your perseverance and determination.

In matters of the heart, the Six of Wands brings validation and validation. If you have been working on strengthening your relationships or pursuing a romantic connection, this card signifies a time of mutual admiration and respect. Celebrate the love and support that surrounds you, and let yourself be uplifted by the positive energy of those who champion your happiness.

On a spiritual level, the Six of Wands encourages us to celebrate our inner victories and personal growth. Take pride in how far you have come on your journey of self-discovery, and honor the resilience and courage it has taken to overcome obstacles along the way. Trust in your ability to navigate life's challenges with grace and wisdom, knowing that you are supported by the universe every step of the way.

As we conclude our exploration of the Six of Wands, let us carry its message of triumph and recognition with us throughout the week. Embrace the victories, both big and small, that come your way, and allow yourself to bask in the glow of success. Remember that you are worthy of praise and admiration, and that your journey is a testament to your strength and resilience. Stay tuned for more insights and guidance on our YouTube channel, and may the energy of the Six of Wands continue to illuminate your path forward.