Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Tabula Mundi: The beginning

Knight/Princess of Disks

Brings a coming focus on prudence and caution, shepherding something material towards gain, intelligence and attention to detail, time to experience procreative powers and patient cultivation. Reason applied to matter. Practical application. Cultivated a well tended field and has a feeling of accomplishment.

Bull in the harness: predictable, hardworking, fertile

Air of Earth

Taurus, fixed

Page/Princess of Disks

The ultimate fruition of the will, possibility for one’s potential and renewal of a cycle. Pregnant with possibility. Kind, generous, steady and industrious, womanly and sensual. Fully realized manifestation, human between above and below. Going forward while doing the work of the will.

The time is ripe.

Earth of Earth

Aries-Taurus-Gemini link centered on Taurus

3 of Wands

The strength inherent in virtue has been fully established and a new cycle of creativity ensues.

Threes are shaping

Themes of birth, formation, community. Threes are a unifying force entwining two things together for a new birth to life. Loyalty, bonding, indulging, crossing the point of no return.

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