Friday, March 12, 2021

Tabula Mundi: Daily 3 card draw


3 of Swords: Know thyself, and the sorrow that leads to enlightenment.

Themes of birth: manifestation movement ambition
Themes of formation: control realization boundaries
Themes of community: community collaboration friendship controls

Threes signify a unifying force. Entwined with the couple it takes to birth new life. Loyalty, bonding, indulging, crossing the point of no return.

2 of Wands: Affirmative will makes a conquest. 

Themes of balance: equilibrium, adaptability

Themes of opposition: polarity, electrical charge, choice, crossroads, challenges

Themes of other: insight, mirroring, romance, the “gaze“, self consciousness 

Two cards deal with patience, balance, extremes and the struggles inherent in these processes. Generally, these themes are about to come up in your life if they have not already.

6 of Swords: Set your course for the stars and through the journey discover the beauty of the inventive intellect. 

Themes of harmony: beauty, love, well-being
Themes of purpose: procreation, sacrifice, responsibility
Themes of wholeness: balance, completion, male and female united

Cards of departure. Moving through transitions. The outcome will be harmonious.

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