Sunday, October 10, 2021

RWS: Daily 3 Card Draw (3 of Wands, 10 of Swords, 5 of Pentacles)


Rider Waite: Conceived by Arthur Edward Waite and Illustrated by Pamela Coleman Smith

3 of Wands: Lord of Virtue (Established Strength)

Aries, ruled by Mars, with Sun highly influencing 

Associated with The Emperor and The Sun

Concepts: virtue, established strength, new growth, quickening of creative projects, dignity, virility, performance, benevolent rulership, good governance, nobility, right action, watch and wait.

"One rises to the occasion, discovering their true inner nobility by developing strength of character. Through right action, pose and decorum, an individual cultivates sovereignty of self, establishing undeniable strength and the regal bearing of a genuine leader." ~ Tarot Deciphered: Decoding Esoteric Symbolism in Modern Tarot by T. Susan Chang and M. M. Meleen

10 of Swords: Lord of Ruin

Gemini, ruled by Mercury

Associated with The Lovers and The Sun

Concepts: The darkness before the dawn. Death of one choice. Expulsion from the garden. Toil and trouble. Too much knowledge. End of illusions. Depression, fanaticism, darkness and light.

"One is ready for anything in body and mind...a completion of the mind's tasks." ~ Tarot Deciphered: Decoding Esoteric Symbolism in Modern Tarot by T. Susan Chang and M. M. Meleen

5 of Pentacles: Lord of Worry (Material Trouble)

Taurus, ruled by Venus

Associated with The Hierophant and The Magus; Knight of Pentacles 

Concepts: poverty mentality, losing power and stability, planning ahead, limited resources, severity in financial, practical and bodily matters, fear of not having enough

"But worry leading to paralysis and inertia is fruitless." ~ Tarot Deciphered: Decoding Esoteric Symbolism in Modern Tarot by T. Susan Chang and M. M. Meleen

According to Waite, "The card foretells material trouble above all." 

Result: I applied to a few more positions but I am feeling down about my current situation and I am having anxiety regarding resources. However, I finally had eggplant parmesan that I enjoyed. 

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