Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Tabula Mundi: Daily 3 card draw (Queen of Swords, XV The Devil, 5 of Disks)

Tabula Mundi by M.M. Meleen

Queen of Swords: The queen of swords brings intuition, clarity, and perception of patterns. She cuts away Illusions and liberates the mind. Compromise and mental flexibility bring her peace, but experiencing isolation in the sorrow of solitude she can also be enlightened. Her highest way is not that of the fait accompli that solitthe powers of Wealth can confer, for on that path she becomes tyrannical and dictatorial, losing the timeless perspective the dance gives as she constantly weighs and balances truth against false logic. 

As a person, she is perceptive and graceful, intelligent and discriminating. She has freed her mind through self-determination. If ill dignified she can be cold and cruel, micromanaging, superficial, severe and stubborn, using her considerable attractiveness in a deceitful way.

The Devil: here is the blind impulse towards as yet and lived potential. This is irrepressible craving. Gods suppressed become devils. Awaken, and acknowledge the shadow within to master manifest form.

Five of Disks: The broken record, the padlock. Nail versus key. Resolve to use intelligence to stop the replay of material mental anxieties.

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