Monday, March 29, 2021

Tabula Mundi: Daily 3 card draw (II The Priestess, III The Empress, 8 of Swords)

Tabula Mundi by M.M. Meleen

The Priestess initiates you to the higher mysteries, revealing the holy of holies. She offers the scroll of wisdom, and a glimpse beneath the veil. Be receptive to her feminine guidance. The mists part and secrets are revealed. The Eternal makes a connection, and the unconscious contacts consciousness. The lunar forces surround you; the light of the Moon conceals by its brilliance. Avoid becoming moonstruck; flow with fluctuation.  

The Empress Let yourself be penetrated. Let yourself be fertile. There is honey in the heart. Power of the mother is to create and to love with devotion. Does not seek to order as nature is beautiful and chaotic. Beware dormancy and self indulgence. 

Eight of Swords the battle of Sol and Luna. Separatio. The Will is inferred with in the realm of intellectual contest; there is indecision and obfuscation. 

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