Thursday, October 14, 2021

RWS: 3 card daily draw (8 of Wands, 6 of Pentacles, 4 of Cups)

 8 of Wands: Lord of Swiftness

Sagittarius, ruled by Jupiter

Associated with Temperance/Art and The Magician

Concepts: movement, the "light bulb" moment, brilliant yet fleeting, messages in motion, divine inspiration, vehicles of will, the speed of light, express package delivery, swift communication of ideas rather people giving them

"No sooner than we anticipate the event than it occurs!" 

6 of Pentacles: Lord of Success (Material Success)

Taurus, ruled by Venus

Associated with The Hierophant and the Priestess

Concepts: appreciation of beauty and enjoyment of the present moment, well, harmony and practical matters, generosity and sweetness, philanthropy and humanitarianism, heaven and earth, complementary forces joined, key to the inner sanctum, sensuality, fertilization, potential realized, the perfect moment. Body and soul, temple and spirit, priest and priestess.

“It is a testimony to his own success in life, as well to his goodness of heart.” Sharing success implies wealth.

4 of Cups: Lord of Luxury (Blended Pleasure)

Cancer, ruled by the Moon with Jupiter exalted

Associated with The Chariot and the Priestess

Concepts: comfort with slight discomfort, the womb, plenty yet discontent, world grown small, more than enough, outgrowing limitations, irritation builds pearls, moods and emotions, the container, safety versus stagnant, 

Reflection: Discontent with current setting regardless of it's beauty, something has to change soon! Disruption of emotional fulfillment. 

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