Rider Waite: Conceived by Arthur Edward Waite and Illustrated by Pamela Coleman Smith |
Queen of Swords: Queen of the Thrones of Air; Queen of Sylphs and Sylphides
Virgo and Libra
Associated with The Hermit, Justice/Adjustment, The Hanged Man and the Fool for Water of Air; 10 of Pentacles (Wealth), 2 of Swords (Peace/Peace Restored), 3 of Swords (Sorrow)
Concepts: Emotional intelligence, accurate, perceptive, mature, confident, particular, keen, just, perception of pattern and insights, old maids, widows, divorcées, teacher. Standing firm alone. Skills of precision. Attractive and graceful. Impartial. Sometimes severe or sorrowful, autocratic and intimidating, does not suffer fools gladly.
"Her countenance," says Waite, "suggests familiarity with sorrow."
The Tower: The Lord of the Hosts and the Mighty
Aries and Scorpio, ruled by Mars
Concepts: War, marital force, lightning flash of enlightenment, fire of heaven, fire purification, new construction, deconstruction of self, divine grace, breakthroughs, breaking fertile soil.
Reflection: Shake things up, shoot for the top and do it with assertiveness
9 of Cups: Lord of Happiness
Pisces, ruled by Jupiter
Associated with The Moon and the Wheel of Fortune; King/Knight of Cups
Concepts: Wish fulfillment, truth and ideals, toasting good fortune, true commitment, satisfaction, being well-fed
Reflection: This could not have come at a better time. I needed reassurance that there is indeed fortune in my future.
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